Our biggest competition is ourselves. It is self-talk or noise that you do yourself to distract you from focusing on what is most important, have the impact and influence your audience. We started saying to myself, "What if people do not like me?" 'What if I say something wrong? "" I'm just not good at communicating face-to-face or group. "You talk to yourself is so powerful that it can begin to destroy the self-esteem and your confidence. Game beat boxing can provide enough to convince you, "You're right. You did the wrong thing and you are not good at communicating face-to-face or group. "When self-talk win a boxing match, follow suit.Some results we choose a step further and we started hiding behind our computers, iPad, Blackberry and other devices.
We started to believe, "Because I'm not good at communicating face to face, I will more effectively interact with technical procedures. "Participants who recently attended a workshop I looked puzzled out as I wonder how non-verbal communication individuals can be positively affected them. He raised his hand firmly on the back of the room and asked, "How can I communicate effectively face to face when I grow up email?" We jeopardize our relationship because our communication has evolved from technical personal. We began to hear and act on self-talk and noise to convince us to find a substitute for face to face communication.Allowing self-talk and noise takes over will keep you from: • Take your communication of good to very good.
• influence others to take action.
• Develop a relationship.
• Make more money Read, implement, train and posting repeated practical steps to beat your biggest competition: 1. Overcome the competition in a certain time in your life when you have a big win.
Focus on where you are, how you think and how you succeed. Some people more than you give yourself credit for being. When you learn to win the competition, not only communication you take you from good to great, you begin to choose the face-to-face conversation more often technology.2. Response. After the conversation, presentations, meetings, sales calls or conference calls to ask yourself and document your answers to the following questions: • What worked?
• What did not work?
• What would I change?
• What did I learn that I can apply next time? 3. Refocusing. Jump off the train before it becomes a train wreck. When you feel self-talk take over the conversation, re-focus on the task at hand and the message. Focus on the three essential components of a conversation to gain control: • What is my goal?
• What is important for my audience?
• What should be my listeners learn to take the action that I want them to take? Determine the results you want. Now Get'um Go!
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